Sunday, September 2, 2012

What is and isn't Wicca?

  As my first entry I want to talk about what people tend to think about when they think about the Words "witch" and "Wiccan". They think of ugly green women riding on brooms through the night sky, hexing people. Or they think of plain women jumping through bonfires, dancing naked, and casting love spells. This is nothing like real witches. We do, however, love bonfires. We do not cast direct love spells because interfering with a person's free will, which is taboo. We also do is a law don't hex people, because we must harm none. And the Threefold Law says that if we do, it will come back three times as bad, so we tend to do good so we get good back rather than bad. We also don't sacrifice animals, that goes with the harm none. You may be asking now, then what do Wiccans do? We do do spells. Spells for peace, spells for protection, and yes some fun spells like help with homework and i actually even saw one to help you choose between crushes. Eclectic Wiccans worship many gods and goddesses from many cultures. I personally worship one Goddess and one God. So lets start from the basics... Like the laws, then the creation of the world and the holidays we celebrate.

See this on my vlog http://


  1. Very intrested I would like to learn more. :)

    1. I'm glad you are excited to know more. If you have any questions my posts don't answer feel free to ask. I will answer them all to the best of my abilities. Thank you for your response. Blessed Be.
