Sunday, September 23, 2012


There are many different paths to the art of divination. You can scry, use Tarot cards, read palms, analyze dreams, and many other things. This post is only going to touch on the art of scrying. There are many different tools and techniques varying from person to person. The basic steps are the same with almost every tool.

First sit before the tool and meditate for a while until you feel yourself drifting off (not to sleep), your eyesight blurring.
Look upon the tool and allow images to form, don't force them. Watch the images dance and play.
Write down what you saw into your Divination Journal.
Decipher the symbols and record your results.


Bowl of Pure Water: I use a black bowl or a crystal bowl. I usually also try to only use water to scry under the moon with Moonwater , to amplify my abilities. 
Black Mirrors: Quick and easy tip out of a book I once read is to get a picture frame and a can of black spray paint with a shine finish. Spray the glass, let it dry,and set it back into the frame. 
Flame: try to use a candle with a larger flame or a fireplace works.
Incense: Use incense to promote psychic powers.
Crystal Ball: I have never used this tool. You have to buy one to use it.
Other ways: Living bodies of water are great. Watch leaves, the way the fall, blow, the colors that fall.

Note: Before scrying I usually take a good wiff of my Magick Jar and occasionally cast a circle.

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