These are all books I've read personally and can say they all have great information here and there. As a witch it is important to read everything you can, even though you may not agree with ALL the book says. It doesn't matter if you are just picking Wicca up or have been practicing your entire life like me. It does not matter if you are 80 years old or 13 years old, I highly suggest you still read all of these books. Here is the list:
The Wiccaning by Sister Moon
Women's Rituals by Barbara G. Walker
Witchin' by Fiona Horne
Where to Park Your Broomstick by Lauren Manoy
Wicca by Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham
Witch Crafting by Phyllis Curott
Teen Witch by Silver Ravenwolf
City Magick by Christopher Penczak
Everyday Magic by Dorothy Morrison
Practical Candleburning Rituals by Raymond Buckland
Symbolism of Color of Ellen Conroy
Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation by Silver Ravenwolf
Other good books to have on hand and at least flip through:
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews by Scott Cunningham
Wicca A to Z by Gerina Dunwhich
Wicca Source Book by Gerina Dunwich
Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley ( I have the Second Edition)
Halloween by Silver Ravenwolf
Yule by Dorothy Morrison
I will look into these books thank you.