Sunday, September 9, 2012

Overbearing Workload Riddance Spell

This spell is if you have way too much going on and have way more responsibilities than you are physically able to manage. This is for when you get to the point where it is taking on your body. This is also the first part to the total healing process. After the completion of this moving to the Healing Meditation Circle is recommended.

1 pale green candle
1 yellow candle
Cauldron/ Censer (Something to burn paper in)
Sheet of paper
A pencil

Sit before the green candle and light it.
On one piece of paper write down everything you do. All of the responsibilities you have.
Fold the paper hamburger style (I don't know the technical name).
Rip it from the folded side in half and throw into whatever you are burning in saying:

With this paper I do rip
my load does split.
With this paper I do cast
all my suffering is in the past.

Set fire to it with the candle, snuff the candle, and watch it burn.
Light the yellow candle and sit before it.
Envision the flame surrounding you in jovial energy then say:

I light my future
with freedom and joy,
barren  of troubles,
barren of burdens.
I let peace and happiness
take me over.
Thank You Goddess and God,
So mote it be!

Bury ashes or dump them into a living body of water.

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