Red or Orange Candle
Incense (Frankincense preferably but any will work)
Pure Water
Ritual broom
Sweep ritual broom over the area (without touching the floor) envisioning all the astral garbage (as black dust) being swept away.
Place all elemental representations in center of the space.
Pick up the incense and walk thrice around the circle while envisioning the smoke coating the sphere in creativity, blocking out all negative energies, only letting the positive ones in saying:
I purify, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Air in the name of Spirit. May it fill the area with insight, inspiration, laughter, and wonder. Let the creatures of Air encircle me with wonder and imagination.
Return to center and pick up the candle. Walk around the circle thrice holding the candle in both hands envisioning the flame spreading around the sphere with pure energy and motivation. saying:
I purify, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Fire in the name of Spirit. May it fill the area with passion, determination, courage, and energy. Let the creatures of Fire encircle me with will and enthusiasm.
I purify, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Water in the name of Spirit. May it fill the area with love, compassion, dreaming, and delighting. Let the creatures of Water encircle me with joy and feeling.
Pick up the salt and sprinkle it around the circle thrice envisioning them growing into large rocks that stack around the sphere, creating a strong barrier that evil cannot penetrate and say:
I purify, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Earth in the name of Spirit. May it fill the area with fertility, creativity, strength, and nurturing. Let the creatures of Earth encircle me with power and patience.
After setting down the salt, stand in the center and envision all the elemental energies rushing around you. Hold your arms up, palms up and say:
In the name of the Lady and Lord,
in the name of the Great Mother and the Good Father,
I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space
with the element of Spirit!
So mote it be!
Thus sacred space has been created.
I created this circle about a year ago from using the one my mother taught me and combining it with a few thing I picked up in Witch Crafting by Phyllus Curott and Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation by Silver Ravenwolf. I had previously just used a dulled down version of my mothers.
that is so awsome !!