A pot to boil them in
4 pink candles
4 green candles
4 blue candles
4 white candles
Fragnipi, frankincense, lotus, and/ or rose incense*
Your altar
Place altar in the heart of the home.
In the four indoor corners of the home place 1 of each color of candles.
Partially open every window in the house (or you will choke).
In each room place one or more of the types of incense in each room to fill it with the desired mood.*
Boil the water with all the herbs in it.
Let it cool.
Light up everything on the altar and through the house.
Invoke the elements and the Goddess and God.
Meditate before the altar a moment.
Walk through clockwise house sprinkling the herb water chanting:
Herbs so green
Sky so blue
Make this place serene
Change the mood
Strip it of anger
Diminish the pain
Set fire to anguish
Bring it all to an end
Wash it with rain
Steal away the unrest
Leave none but joy
Filled with peace and love
Thank You Goddess and God
So mote it be!
Go back to the altar and visualize all negative energies leaving the home. Watch the smoke form a bubble around the home, protecting it.
Meditate on what you want the relations in the home to be from now on.
When ready you can dismiss the Goddess and God and elements.
Put out everything and clean up.
*Fragnipi: to brighten the home with friendship and love
Frankincense: to stimulate positive vibrations
Lotus: for inner peace and outer harmony
Rose: to return calm energies to the home
What a lovely spell.