Ok, the first thing to note when speaking about the laws of Wicca are each coven/ person will tailor them to suit themselves. These are the ones I was raised on and a few more I picked up over the years on my own, literally right out of my personal BOS (Book of Shadows).
1. Hurt none, this includes bloodshed and derogatory statements.
2. Never interfere with a person's free will.
3. Never charge for services or favors, and always teach those willing to learn (for free).
4. Respect Nature.
5. Respect the Goddess and the God by observing Their holidays and observing the ritual days.
6. Remember your responsibility as a person to watch how you affect others, obey limits, be tolerant, and be respectful of others and what is theirs.
These are pretty self explanatory and most just common courtesy. By respecting Nature, just don't litter and if you see trash on the ground, pick it up. Plant a few things here and there and definately recycle. Another thing is if you live with your parents and cannot do full rituals or light candles, envision a lit candle and pray to them, letting them know you didn't forget or ignore them.
o.o awsomenesssssssssssss XP