Monday, April 29, 2013

Beltaine Ritual Outline

Pre Ritual
  • Clean your entire house and smudge it as well as the area where you will practicing outside. 
  • Do any baking that needs to be done. 
  • Gather supplies
  • Take a ritual bath
  1. Create Sacred Space
  2. Do devotional for, set up, and decorate your altar.
  3. Cast a Circle
  4. Call up the Quarters.
  5. Invoke the Goddess and God.
  6. Perform enactments, poems, songs, chants, artistic displays in honor of the Goddess and God. Because it is Beltaine, a time to celebrate the Goddess and God in their union.
  7. Raise energy with song, dance, and/ or instruments and do the Maypole ceremony if you are doing one.
  8. Do all magickal workings.
  9. Meditate by focusing on the union and love surrounding everything today. Think of fertile feilds and crops abounding.
  10. Thank the Goddess and God.
  11. Release the Quarters.
  12. Close the circle
  13. Feast
  14. Clean up
  15. Enjoy the rest of your day outside and with your friends.
On this day, I know this year it is a Wednesday, but try to throw a party or a gathering of friends.

1 comment:

  1. I've tagged you for a challenge post. The rules are here:
