Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Spell to Heal a Friend/ Loved One

This spell for your friend or loved one is very sick and needs strength and healing. This spell is great because you do not have to be near the person to do this for them. You do not have to do this spell inside of a circle, in fact, that may make it a little more challenging. Please remember to never cast magick on a person unless you have their permission.


A freezer
A censer (or something to burn paper in)
A large white candle
Black pen
Black Paper
White paper

Light the candle.
Take the black pen and write down everything your friend/ loved one is going through on the black piece of paper.
Put this piece of paper in the freezer and say:

(Name of person here)
I beg the Goddess and God
to heal your bod'
And restore you to peace.
With this black paper I freeze
filled with  (Person's name)'s sickness
Thus it all shall it all pass.

Take a moment to meditate, visualizing the sickness vanishing from that person.
Pull out the white paper and hold it  between your index finger and thumb on both hands.
Send healing and joyous energy into it. Feel it flow from your body into the paper.
Set fire to the edge of the paper and place it into your censer (or whatever you are burning in).
As it burns watch the energy leave it and flow straight to the person who needs the healing and say:

With this white paper I burn
I cause positive energy
in your life to occur.
Love, light, and healing o'plenty
I do send to thee (Person's Name)
So mote it be!

Put out the candle.
Clean up.
Light the candle every night and meditate on that person healing before it for just a few minutes.

I pray to the Goddess and God that if you are using this spell they aid you with extra energy. Many blessing and I hope for the best for you and your loved one/ friend. Blessed be. ) O (


  1. Hi.
    I really would like to use this spell but would like advice from anyone who would like to comment.
    I don't have any black paper and am in somewhat of a hurry to get this spell underway. I use charcoal a lot for my art and wondered if using this to colour plain paper in black would have the same effect/possibly add to the individual energy of the spell.
    Ideas or advice would be brilliant.
    Bright blessings.
    A. x

  2. I used this spell for my friend. she was in a horrible car accident and broke her neck.Now we hope and see.

  3. Great spell. Not complex, yet it is extremely detailed. I am wondering if you could use this on yourself.

  4. Hi I would like to do this spel, but iit's for my three daughters who are all sick. Do I need their permission if I'm their mom? They wouldn't get what I'm doing and I don't see the harm in just doing this for each child.

    1. Not if you are their mother. My first is due March 23rd and rather than wait two years to ask them I have already done protection and health charms

    2. Not if you are their mother. My first is due March 23rd and rather than wait two years to ask them I have already done protection and health charms

  5. if my will is strong enough and I am in tune with my gifts she does not have to believe, correct? I do have her permission and can I do more than one healing spell

  6. can i use a candle in an incased glass jar and can i use one that has been partly spent
